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Car Maintenance Guide - Contd...

Don't Eat/Drink and Drive!

This is more of precautionary tip rather than pure maintenance...

A car has been built for a purpose, and before you get carried away, that purpose is not for you to enjoy your daily meals in! Food and drinks just don't mix well with driving, or even just being consumed within the confines of your vehicle for they increase the chances of you getting your interiors greasy, sticky and worst of all smelly. Just imagine getting into your neat new car and it smells like a ton of garlic! Nobody wants that, so the best way to avoid such circumstances is to just avoid eating and drinking in your car.

Having said that, here are some useful tips on how to keep your car clean and smelling fresh should you choose to ignore the first rule of avoiding food and drink in your vehicle.

1. Keep an Air Freshener Handy: Apart from those car fragrance dispensers, it is a good idea to carry around a can of air freshener as well. However the air freshener should be used sparingly and the best idea is to spray your car at night before you lock it up.

2. Roll Down the Windows: Should be in a situation where the hunger is killing you and you are just dying to bite into that juicy burger you bought, then eat with the windows down. It helps keep the smell from just hanging around the interiors.

3. Hand Wipes Work: Wet wipes are possibly your best friend in keeping your interiors clean from stains and grease grime. Be sure to wipe your hands down well before grabbing your steering wheel or touching your stereo controls.

4. Weekly Maintenance: Make sure you clean out your car at least once a week. This will insure that no tidbits are left hidden in corners to rot and stink up your car.

5. Detailing: Get a interior detailing job done by an expert cleaner service. This will help get rid of stains, rid your vehicle of odor and bring back a sparkle to your interiors.

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