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Safe riding in the City

Riding on Indian city streets requires one to master a special skill set which is more or less developed by strong survival instincts. No kidding! Really. So here are a few tricks and tips that will help you keep the wheels on the ground and stay safe.

1.    As we all know, Indian roads are over-populated and that simply increases the risk of a mishap. In order to stay safe, it is highly necessary for the rider to keep a track of all movements on the road and stay alert. For instance, the motorcycle rider stopped by the roadside could go for a sudden U-turn maneuver and come right in your path. The more informed and aware you are about fellow traffic, the safer you are on the streets.

2.    This might sound a bit harsh, but it is just as real. Overtakes have to be quick and snappy. Spending too much time in the oncoming traffic's path is going to do no good. Do not try to conserve fuel at the cost your life. If you are planning for an overtake, get a clear view of the traffic ahead and finish the overtake in one quick act than just waiting for the motorcycle to gain momentum to complete the overtake.

3.    Pedestrians and bicyclists are one of the key elements on the road involved in majority of road accidents. Make sure your eyes spot every minor movement on the road. If you are too fast to notice, slow down. Go at a pace where you can see (and be seen) in order to make necessary amends if needed, instantly. Pedestrians and cyclists are not easily visible and that is why there are more chances of them going unnoticed. You won't miss the 18-wheeler truck you are about to overtake, will you? But there is a good chance that a pedestrian crossing ahead of the truck will not be seen right until he jumps onto your path, equally unaware about your presence on the road.

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