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Face the Wind!

Ever experienced sudden gusts of wind throw you out of your path into a different lane? While there is little one can do to avoid the winds, here are a few pointers to play it safe under sideways wind blasts

Read and Ride
Observe the road you are riding on and its surroundings carefully. The best way to stay safe from strong wind gusts is to notice big objects like trucks, buses, buildings, walls, etc. well before you reach them. Such large objects create a lull when you're alongside but as soon as you pass them, you will encounter a strong blast that will strike your bike and even push it into the path of oncoming traffic.

Wind your Way
One way to assure your own safety on the road is to know from which side the strong wind is blowing. Stay close to the side of the blast so that there is space for your bike even if the wind blast pushes it away from your riding line. Sticking farthest from the wind's path will make it more dangerous and you could end up in a tight spot with little chance to avert calamity.

Choosing the right spot in your lane is very important. Give yourself enough space to be able to move and make corrections if the wind blast pushes you away. Staying too close to the centre of the road will generate the risk of getting pushed into the oncoming traffic lane, while staying too much on the inside could mean one strong wind gust and you could find yourself off the road.

Lighter the Better
Most modern day motorcycles are aerodynamically designed for proper wind flow around them. But not much can be done for sideways wind blasts. So if you are going touring, make sure there aren't too many big panniers or luggage items loaded on the bike as they will adversely affect its stability under a sideways wind blast. Carry the minimum of luggage or equipment on the bike.

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